View Full Version : 10. Lỗi, Troubleshooting VMware

  1. Giới thiệu về Security Profiles của VMware ESX Server
  2. Lỗi khi connect VMWARE "This virutal machine appears to be in use.."
  3. Các lỗi thường gặp và quản trị VMWare ESX
  4. Bật dịch vụ ssh trên VMware esxi, how to enable ssh on vmware esxi 5, vmware esxi 6
  5. Tạo boot order cho VM trên Vmware ESXi
  6. Hướng dẫn start VM bằng dòng lệnh trên VMware ESXi
  7. Hướng dẫn reset password root vCenter 6.5 (How to reset root password vCenter 6.5)
  8. Reset root password vCenter Server Appliance 6.0
  9. Hướng dẫn kill process VM bằng dòng lệnh trên VMware ESXi
  10. Lỗi add Datastore "Error adding datastores to ESXi resolved using partedUtil"
  11. Fix lỗi : The content ID of the parent virtual disk does not match the corresponding
  12. How to register/add a VM to the Inventory in vCenter Server, Vmware ESXi
  13. Hướng dẫn mount USB Drive as Datastore on ESXi 6.0
  14. Hướng dẫn xem phần cứng RAM, CPU trên VMwareESXi
  15. Fix lỗi: 503 Service unavailable failed to connect to endpoint vpxd webserver pipe
  16. Link download trực tiếp vmware esxi 5.5
  17. VMware ESXi – Cannot delete file from datastore "vmdk': Device or resource busy"
  18. ESXi - 503 Service Unavailable /tmp/.vsanDiskOpLock.lock
  19. Hướng dẫn disable arp check trên windows
  20. Hướng dẫn reset password vcenter
  21. VMware Convert Linux is fail VMware: FAILED: Unable to obtain the IP address
  22. Vmware Convert a Physical Linux Server to a VMware VM
  23. Found host(s) esxi.mydomain.lab participating in the vSAN service which is not a mem
  24. Exception in invoking authentication handler User password expired
  25. Failed to extend swap file from 0 KB to xxxx KB
  26. hostd is not running on Vmware esxi
  27. Fix: Loading module ipmi_si_drv esxi 6.0
  28. Fix lỗi: Call“HostDatastoreSystem.QueryVmfsDatastoreCreat eOptions”
  29. Hướng dẫn thay đổi IP vmware esxi - how to change management IP of vmware esxi
  30. Unable to login because of a ESXi root account lockout
  31. The operation is not allowed in the current state of the host
  32. Enabling VT-x / AMD-V Virtualization Inside ESXi Virtual Machine
  33. How to disableHow to disable ESXi Firewall, how to stop Firewall on ESX ESXi firewall
  34. vSphere HA agent on this host could not reach isolation address:
  35. Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows 11 trên ESXi
  36. Accessing the local ESXi Shell - Console ESXi
  37. How to migrate Promox to Vmware - Hướng dẫn chuyển VM Promox qua VMware
  38. Hưởng dẫn giảm disk vmware - How to shrink / decrease a Virtual machines disk VMware