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hoctinhoc 17-04-2020 12:24 AM

VMware ESXi – Cannot delete file from datastore "vmdk': Device or resource busy"
VMware ESXi – Cannot delete file from datastore

Khi xóa file disk của máy ảo vmware thì bị lỗi:

can't remove 'AD-flat.vmdk': Device or resource busy

Cách fix: di chuyển hết vps trong datastore đó qua datastore khác, rồi unmount, sau đó mount lại datastore đó rồi ssh vào xóa

VMware ESXi – Cannot delete file from datastore

When you try and delete an orphaned VM or your old VM you get the error:
/vmfs/volumes/57b321fa-349912dc-bc05-90b11c3dbf06/AD_replica # rm AD-flat.vmdk rm: can't remove 'AD-flat.vmdk': Device or resource busy

/vmfs/volumes/57b321fa-349912dc-bc05-90b11c3dbf06/AD_replica # rm AD-flat.vmdk

rm: can't remove 'AD-flat.vmdk': Device or resource busy

so let’s try to delete from command line (from ESXi host) but got the error message:“can’t remove ‚AD-flat.vmdk‘: Device or resource busy“ because the file is still locked by ESX

# vmkfstools -L release /vmfs/volumes/IFT_Replica/AD_replica/AD-flat.vmdk

Command release failed Error: Inappropriate ioctl for device

# vmkfstools -L release /vmfs/volumes/IFT_Replica/AD_replica/AD-flat.vmdk

Command release failed

Error: Inappropriate ioctl for device

you can use the „vmkfstools“ for release locked file… but in my case its not possible „release failed
Migrate off the VMs from the host and place it into maintenance mode and reboot it. After reboot try delete file, that was locked by ESXi host. For delete whole folder i used rm -rf command on the ESXi host.


Bây giờ là 10:38 PM. Giờ GMT +7

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