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Tuổi 15-05-2015, 03:00 PM   #1
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Triển khai Centos 6.5 NFS Server Suitable for Cloudstack
Triển khai Centos 6.5 NFS Server Suitable for Cloudstack

​ In the past I have had the odd bit of difficulty with getting Cloudstack to work with a freshly built NFS server as either primary or secondary storage. Nothing that could not be solved but I am not a Linux 'expert' so I thought I would create a very quick article so that others with similar experiences to mine may extract some benefit.

  • A VM with the following configuration
    • 1 vCPU
    • 2GB or more RAM
    • 50GB or more of disk space
  • A freshly built minimal Centos 6.5 build

  • Apply all system patches via a yum update

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