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Tuổi 05-08-2019, 10:27 PM   #1
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Fix lỗi WARNING: It's not recommended to use apache with mod_ruid2 & suPHP enabled
Fix lỗi WARNING: It's not recommended to use apache with mod_ruid2 & suPHP enabled. It's a redundant and slow combination. Wrong php2_release set in the options.conf:

Khi bạn muốn cài thêm version php cho directadmin mà bị lỗi này thì bạn xử lý như sau

WARNING: It's not recommended to use apache with mod_ruid2 & suPHP enabled. It's a redundant and slow combination. Wrong php2_release set in the options.conf: 7.0.

Xử lý bằng cách chuyển php qua chạy php-frm rồi sau đó cài version php2_release sau

Sau đó thêm php2_release vào là ok

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