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Tuổi 08-07-2019, 09:03 PM   #1
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Hướng dẫn xóa Windows Defender trên Windows 10 -remove Windows Defender on Windows 10
Hướng dẫn xóa Windows Defender trên Windows 10 (how to remove Windows Defender on Windows 10)

Step 1: Download the script to remove Windows Defender permanently.

Click to Download: Windows Defender Remove Script

Step 2: Decompress the files and right click “Uninstall.cmd” and select “Run as administrator” in the menu.

Content of the script: This script makes use of the install_wim_tweak.exe to run API in the system to remove Windows Defender. This script must be run as administrator.

@echo off
cd /d “%~dp0″
echo Uninstalling …
install_wim_tweak.exe /o /l
install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c “Windows-Defender” /r
install_wim_tweak.exe /h /o /l
echo It should be uninstalled. Please reboot Windows 10.

Step 3: Restart computer after finish. And you can not find Windows Defender in the menu any more.

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