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Tuổi 10-06-2014, 05:29 PM   #1
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Cài đặt Wowza Media Server 3 On CentOS 6 làm Streaming Server

Cài đặt Wowza Media Server 3 On CentOS 6 làm Streaming Server

GIT - Wowza Media Server 3 is the high-performance, high-value unified streaming media and video software for any screen. For live or on-demand streaming to computers, mobile devices and IPTV/OTT endpoints, the Wowza® platform delivers superior features, benefits and functionality. This tutorial shows how I can install Wowza Media Server 3 on a CentOS 6.

First, update update CentOS to latest version and You will need Java installed. Type the following command:

# yum update -y
# yum install java* -y

Installing Wowza Media Server 3

You need to download the Wowza Media Server 3 from

Type the following command

# wget

Next, type the following command to install Wowza Media Server 3

# chmod +x WowzaMediaServer-3.5.0.rpm.bin
# ./WowzaMediaServer-3.5.0.rpm.bin

Setting up the License

In order to use Wowza Media Server, you’ll need a license, which can be obtained from the Wowza website (select a trail or developer license).
After, moving to the Wowza install directory and run the start up script

# cd /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/bin
# ./

If you wish to add WowzaMediaServer service to start when the machine boot, type the following command

# chkconfig --level 345 WowzaMediaServer on

Installing Wowza Examples

Type the following command

# cd /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/examples
# ./
# /etc/init.d/WowzaMediaServer

restart If You are using a firewall, You need open the port: 1935. Type the following command if You are using iptables

# iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 1935 -j ACCEPT

Default, media files to hosted at: /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/content. You can copy movie file to here.
After, moving to /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/examples/ and copy a folder called “client” to desktop.

Run “simplevideostreaming.html” in folder client. It look like

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