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Tuổi 23-12-2011, 11:48 PM   #1
Gia nhập: Apr 2011
Trả Lời: 11
Tổng hợp 129 khoá học về SuSE Linux Enterprise Server và Novell mediafire
Table of contents

Fundamentals of Novell eDirectory 8.8 (Course 3078)
Fundamentals of Novell eDirectory 8.8 Workbook (Course 3078)
Novell eDirectory Design and Implementation: eDirectory 8.8 (Course 3067)
Novell Identity Manager 3 Fundamentals (Course 3065 Volume 1)
Novell Identity Manager 3 Fundamentals (Course 3065 Volume 2)
Fundamentals of Novell eDirectory (Course 3017)
Novell eDirectory 8.7 Tools and Diagnostics (Course 3007 version 2.0)
Directory Technologies (Course 995)
Advanced NDS Tools and Diagnostics (Course 991)
Novell eDirectory Design and Implementation (Course 575)
Integrating Novell eDirectory and Active Directory (Course 556)
Integrating Novell eDirectory and Windows NT (Course 555)

GroupWise 7 Administration (Course 3063 Volume 1)
GroupWise 7 Administration (Course 3063 Volume 2)
GroupWise 6.5 Administration (Course 3014)
GroupWise 6 Administration (Course 370)
GroupWise 5.5 Net Access and Connectivity (Course 354 version 2.0)
GroupWise 5 Advanced Administration (Course 352)
GroupWise 5 Administration (Course 350)

Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare Advanced Administration (Course 3082)
Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare Advanced Administration Workbook (Course 3082)
Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare Administration (Course 3081)
Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare Administration Workbook (Course 3081)
Upgrading to Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare (Course 3083)
Upgrading to Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare Workbook (Course 3083)
Foundations of Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare
Foundations of Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare Workbook (Course 3080)
Advanced Novell Network Management: NetWare 6.5 (Course 3043 Version 2)
Novell Network Management: NetWare 6.5 (Course 3042 Volume 1 Version 2)
Novell Network Management: NetWare 6.5 (Course 3042 Volume 2 Version 2)
Upgrading to NetWare 6.5 (Course 3018)
Foundations of Novell Networking NetWare 6.5 (Course 3016)
Advanced Novell Network Management: NetWare 6 (Course 3005)
Novell Network Management: NetWare 6 (Course 3004)
Fundamentals of Networking (Course 3003)
NetWare 4 to NetWare 6 CNE Upgrade Prerequisite (Course 3002)
Foundations of Novell Networking: NetWare 6 (Course 3001)
Upgrading to Netware 6 (Course 3000)
Service and Support (Course 580)
NetWare 5.1 Advanced Administration (Course 570)
Networking Technologies (Course 565)
NetWare, 5.1 Administration (Course 560)
NetWare 4.11 to NetWare 5.1 Update (Course 529)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10: Networking Services (Course 3074)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Networking Services Workbook (Course 3074)
Deploying Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux (Course 3090)
Deploying Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux Workbook (Course 3090)
Implementing Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux (Course 3089)
Implementing Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux Workbook (Course 3089)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 Administration Volume 1 (Course 3086)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 Administration Volume 2 (Course 3086)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 Administration Workbook (Course 3086)
Introduction to SLE10 (Course 3084)
Introduction to SLE10 Workbook (Course 3084)
Migrating from RedHat to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (Course 3068)
Migrating from RedHat to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Administration Workbook (Course 3068)
Integrating Novell Open Enterprise Server for Linux (Course 3077 Volume 1)
Integrating Novell Open Enterprise Server for Linux (Course 3077 Volume 2)
Integrating Novell Open Enteprise Server for Linux Workbook (Course 3077)
Upgrading to Certified Linux Engineer 10 (Course 3076)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10: Security (Course 3075)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Security Workbook (Course 3075)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Advanced Administration (Course 3073)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Advanced Administration Workbook (Course 3073)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Administration (Course 3072)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Administration Workbook
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Fundamentals (Course 3071)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Fundamentals Workbook (COURSE 3071)
Novell’s Guide to CompTIA’s Linux+ with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (Course 3064 Volume 1)
Novell’s Guide to CompTIA’s Linux+ with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (Course 3064 Volume 2)
Novell’s Guide to CompTIA’s Linux+ with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Workbook (Course 3064)
Getting Started with Linux: Novell’s Guide to CompTIA’s Linux+ (Course 3060 Volume 1)
Getting Started with Linux: Novell’s Guide to CompTIA’s Linux+ (Course 3060 Volume 2)
Deploying Novell Open Enterprise Server (Course 3059 Volume 1)
Deploying Novell Open Enterprise Server (Course 3059 Volume 2)
SUSE LINUX Security (Course 3058)
SUSE LINUX Network Services (Course 3057)
SUSE Linux 9.1 for Users (Course 3052)
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 as Mail Server (Course 3051)
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 Internet Connection (Course 3050)
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 Infrasructure Services in the Network (Course 3049)
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 Basics of Network Administration (Course 3048)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (Course 3047)
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 Advanced System Administration I (Course 3046)
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 Basics of System Administration (Course 3045)
SUSE LINUX Advanced Administration (Course 3038 version 2)
SUSE LINUX Administration (Course 3037 Volume 1)
SUSE LINUX Administration (Course 3037 Volume 2)
SUSE LINUX Fundamentals (Course 3036 version 2)
Migrating to SUSE LINUX (Course 3019 Version 2)
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Advanced System Administration I SuSE Linux AG
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Advanced System Administration II SuSE Linux AG
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server – Basics of System Administration
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Basics of Network Administration
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Security Basics and technical Concepts
SuSE Linux Firewall on CD 2
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Infrastructure Services in the Network
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Internet Connection
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server as Mail Server
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server in a Mixed Platform Network
SuSE Linux Openexchange Server 4 SuSE Linux AG
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Security Practical Seminar
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Shell Programming with the Bash Shell SuSE Linux AG
SUSE LINUX for Users
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Security VPN and Firewalls
The SuSE Linux Enterprise Server as a Web and FTP Server

Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Administration (Course 3062 Volume 1)
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Administration (Course 3062 Volume 2)
Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management (Course 3041 Volume 1 Version 2)
Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management (Course 3041 Volume 2 Version 2)
Upgrading to ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management (Course 3040 Version 2)
Desktop Management with ZENworks for Desktops (Course 3006 Version 2)
Desktop Management With ZENworks For Desktops 3 (Course 781)
Desktop Management with ZENworks 2 (Course 780)

Novell Networking and Services (Course 2000)
Novell Networking and Services Workbook (Course 2000)
Sentinel 5 Administration
Sentinel 5 Collection
Sentinel 5 User Training
Novell Identity Manager 3.5 Administration Volume 1 (Course 3091)
Novell Identity Manager 3.5 Administration Volume 2 (Course 3091)
Novell Identity Manager 3.5 Administration Workbook (Course 3091)
Novell Small Business Administration(Course 3054 Volume 1)
Novell Small Business Administration volume 2 (Course 3054 Volume 2)
Directory and Database Integration Using DirXML (Course 992)
Internet Security Management with BorderManager: Enterprise Edition 3.5 (Course 770)
TCP/IP for Networking Professionals (Course 606)
Understanding Novell iFolder 2.0 (Course 3011)
Novell Nterprise Linux Services (Course 3015)

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