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Tuổi 26-04-2010, 09:36 AM   #1
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Lỗi Damaged VMC file trong Virtual Server

Lỗi Damaged VMC file trong Virtual Server

Mô tả lỗi


I created a virtual guest and our server crashed last night. (testing out
MS Virtual server...) I restarted the host and logged onto the
administrative page and my guest server is not there anymore.

I tried to Add it but get the following error :

The virtual machine could not be added. The virtual machine configuration
could not be added because the configuration file (.VMC) could not be parsed
correctly. It may be damaged.

Is there a way to 'repair' it? Do i need to completly reconfigure a new


Cách sử lý:

Xóa bỏ file .vmc

Tạo lại một máy ảo khác sử dụng lại ổ cứng củ của vps bị lỗi

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