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Tuổi 17-06-2014, 12:53 PM   #1
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How to Setup Red5 Media Server on CentOS/RHEL 6/5
How to Setup Red5 Media Server on CentOS/RHEL 6/5

Red5 Media Server is a powerful media streaming server worked on RTMP protocal. Red5 is an open and extensible platform, which can be used in Video Conferencing or Network gaming.

This article will help you to install Red5 media server on CentOS and RHEL Systems.

Step 1: Installing Java

You may skip this steps if you have already installed java on your system else use below link to install latest java version.

Step 2: Setup Environment Variables

Its necessory to set environment variables to make it working.

# echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.7.0_25' >> /etc/bashrc # source /etc/bashrc Step 3: Download and Extract Red5

Use this link to find latest version of Red5 or use following commands to download red5 1.0.1. Also extract them.

# cd /opt/ # wget
# tar xzf red5-1.0.1.tar.gz
# mv red5-server-1.0/ red5

Step 4: Start Red5

After extracting downloaded archive, lets start Red5 using shell script available in directory.

# cd /opt/red5

# ./

Step 5: Access Red5 Web Interface

Red5 demo pages and application can be accessed on port 5080 like



How to Install Demo Apps in Red5

Open following url in your web browser to get demo apps install screeen. Change ip with your system ip or fqdn.

How to Access Demo Apps in Red5

Open following url in your web browser to get access demo apps page. Change ip with your system ip or fqdn.

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