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02-08-2009, 09:53 PM | #1 |
Gia nhập: Jul 2009
Trả Lời: 152
Phần mềm tự động Restart Service on Centos
Phần mềm tự động Restart Service on Centos
1. Thông tin và các tính năng của phần mềm SIM is a system and services monitor for ‘SysVinit’ systems. It is designed to be intuitive and modular in nature, and to provide a clean and informative status system. It does this by consistently verifying that services are online, load averages are in check, and log files are at reasonable sizes. Many other SIM modules sport different and in-depth features to bring a well rounded tool to your disposal to stop otherwise common issues daunting internet hosts. Features: - Service monitoring of HTTP, FTP, DNS, SSH, MYSQL & more - Event tracking and alert system - Auto restart ability for downed services - Checks against network sockets & process list to ensure services are online - Advanced HTTP service monitoring, to prevent commonly encountered issues - System load monitor with customizable warnings & actions - Ability to auto restart system with definable critical load level - Priority change configurable for services, at warning or critical load level - Informative command line status display - Easily customizable configuration file - Auto configuration script - Auto cronjob setup feature - Simple & Informative installation script - Integrated auto-update feature - And more 2. Hướng dẫn sử dụng Setup and Use SIM (System Integrity Monitor) Fetch the latest version of sim3 from the sim home page at: http://www.rfxnetworks.com/sim.php Current snapshot always available from below link: http://www.rfxnetworks.com/sim-current.tar.gz $ tar xvfz sim-current.tar.gz $ ls sim-3.0/ $ cd sim-3.0/ From this point once you have changed directory into the install package, the 'setup' or 'install.sh' script can be run. The different file names have no distinction, 'setup' is a symlink of 'install.sh' ('setup' remains in place for sim -u compat from 2.5.x vers). $ ./setup -i Install -q Quiet install -u Uninstall In order to use any of the above options you will now be required to have root access; su to root or similar to gain a root shell. Then execute an appropriate option. # ./setup -i Base path: /usr/local/sim/ Configuration file: /usr/local/sim/config/conf.sim Configuration symlink: /etc/conf.sim Module control file: /usr/local/sim/config/mods.control Module control symlink: /etc/sim.mods Executable: /usr/local/sim/sim Executable symlink: /usr/local/sbin/sim Once sim3 has installed you will then be prompted with summary of path locations; you should modify the conf.sim and mods.control (/etc/sim.mods) files to your desired preferences. Then execute the following command to add the sim3 cronjob: # sim -j on If you have or had a version previous to sim3 installed, you will be prompted to remove it cronjob from /etc/crontab file before continuing. The new sim3 places cronjob within the /etc/cron.d/sim folder. The usage of sim3 is very much like pervious versions and if you have not used sim before then you will still find it quite straight forward. The first task is to configure the sim3 main configuration file located at: /usr/local/sim/config/conf.sim You should edit your email address into appropriate alert option in conf.sim, as well as configure any other options for advanced modules such as disk space and load modules. Then it is required to configure module usage directly in the file located at: /usr/local/sim/config/mods.control or /etc/sim.mods (symlinked) This file is very easy to modify, simply go through it and set On or Off the respective modules you would like to use, obviously it would be a bad idea to enable modules that do not apply to your current environment. There-after executing the 'sim' command with no options will result in a default -help being printed to the screen; displaying all accepted options. usage /usr/local/sbin/sim [OPTION] -s, --status Standard operation; display status to stdout -q, --quiet Standard operation; status supressed -l, --log Display log file [sim_log] -j, --cron [on|off] Toggle on or off cronjob -c, --clear Clear stat files; reset events Using the 'sim -s' option will display a summary status of all services and any related events, note that this is not a passive status output and check/restart operations will be performed if a service is offline while running the '-s' option. If you would like passive status you should use the -l option to view the sim log file. The other options, -j or --cron option is used to toggle on or off the sim cron job, the -c or --clear option is used to reset all event counts, and the -q or --quiet option is to run standard checks but with no status output printed to the screen. There is a sim3 maintained log file that tracks status of all modules and internal sim3 operations, additionally there is a service init log that tracks the output from all init commands executed; these logs are located at: /usr/local/sim/logs/sim_log OR /var/log/sim_log /usr/local/sim/logs/init_log Theo: petern, atula Postby: Admin Phuong |