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Tuổi 06-08-2009, 05:45 PM   #1
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Linux Security for Beginners
Bảo mật linux cho người mới bắt đầu

Nội Dung:

* 1. Introduction to Linux Security
o 1.1 Do I need to worry about Security?
o 1.2 The "Hacker" Word
o 1.3 Security and Linux

* 2. Firewalls - The First Line of Defense
o 2.1 What exactly is a Firewall?
o 2.2 How a Firewall Works
+ 2.2.1 Stealth Mode - Discarding Pings
+ 2.2.2 Port Forwarding and Blocking
+ 2.2.3 Packet Filtering
o 2.3 Configuring a Typical Router based Firewall
+ 2.3.1 Enable Your Firewall
+ 2.3.2 Port Forwarding
+ 2.3.3 Discard Pings
+ 2.3.4 Application Triggered Port Forwarding
+ 2.3.5 DMZ - The Demiliterized Zone

* 3. Understanding Linux Services
o 3.1 Web Server - httpd - Port 80
o 3.2 Remote Login - telnet - Port 25
o 3.3 Secure Remote Login - ssh - Port 22
o 3.4 File Transfer - ftp - Port 21
o 3.5 Mail Transfer - SMTP - Port 25

* 4. Configuring Linux Services and Runlevels
o 4.1 Linux Init and Runlevels
o 4.2 Confiiguring Linux Services

* 5. Linux Firewall - The Second Line of Defense
o 5.1 The lokkit Command
o 5.2 Graphical Firewall Configuration Tools

* 6. Linux and Wireless Security
o 6.1 An Introduction to Wireless Security
o 6.2 What is Encryption?
o 6.3 Configuring Linux Wireless Security
+ 6.3.1 Configuring the Wireless Base Station
o 6.4 Wireless Security on Linux
o 6.5 Setting up Linux Wireless Encryption
+ 6.5.1 Entering Wireless Encryption Keys

Link xem online: Linux Security for Beginners - Table of Contents Contents

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