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Tuổi 15-09-2009, 09:26 AM   #1
Avatar của adminphuong
Gia nhập: Jul 2009
Trả Lời: 152
English for Electronics and Telecommunication (Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành ĐTVT)
English for Electronics and Telecommunication (Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành ĐTVT)

Unit 1: The telephone network
Unit 2: The data network
Unit 3: The basic transmission systems
Unit 4: Optical fibres
Unit 5: History of telephone exchanges
Unit 6: Digital telephone exchanges
Unit 7: Computer communications
Unit 8: Internet and computer
Unit 9: Radio communications
Unit 10: Satellite communications

The: Cong Dong So

adminphuong vắng mặt   Trả lời ngay kèm theo trích dẫn này
Tuổi 15-01-2011, 06:17 AM   #2
Trả Lời: n/a
Hi, few questions
Sorry to post this mundane question here, but I need help!

I have to do a 1 hour Software Best Practices Training for some
programmers in my company. Audience are Freshers to couple of years
experience guys.

Can you guys please suggest some relevant topics I can cover?

I could think of the following:

1) Importance of following coding standards, indentation
2) Proper naming of files, variables, functions, classes, tables.,
columns, views and all other artifacts
3) Layer your application - each layer must address a specific
4) Abstract common stuff into reusable utility classes

Any help will be greatly appreciated
(A positive response to this post & I promise I will contribute to
the community by replying to at least 10 threads!)
  Trả lời ngay kèm theo trích dẫn này
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