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Tuổi 27-02-2014, 10:15 AM   #1
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Quản lý Virtual Network trên Parallels Cloud Server (PCS) bằng lệnh
Quản lý Virtual Network trên Parallels Cloud Server (PCS)

Deleting Virtual Networks

At any time, you can remove a virtual network that you do not need any more from the physical server. To do this, you can use both the vznetcfg and prlsrvctl utilities. For example, you can delete the pcsnet1 virtual network by running one of the following commands:

# vznetcfg net del pcsnet1
# prlsrvctl net del pcsnet1

To check that pcsnet1 has been successfully removed, execute one of these commands:

# vznetcfg net list
Network ID Status Master Interface Slave Interfaces
Host-Only active
Bridged active eth0


# prlsrvctl net list

Network ID Type Bound To
Host-Only host-only
Bridged bridged eth0

Note: Detailed information on the vznetcfg and prlsrvctl utilities is provided in the Parallels Cloud Server 6.0 Command Line Reference Guide and corresponding Linux manual pages.

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